Monday, December 20, 2010

Getting Organized is easier said than done!

I try to stay organized and in control of my house, my job, and my family, at all times.  Now that I have stopped laughing at myself, its time to get serious about this!  I have discovered the website (Thanks to my friend Shannon).  The fly lady will send you an email every morning and highlight one chore to do that day, using no more than 15 minutes.  She has great ideas and if you have time to keep up with her, I'm sure you will see progress! 
I can easily get off track, so I think I'm going to make up my own rules to this game!  I am going to to concentrate on bigger projects, and allow myself a few days to work on it instead of 15 minutes!

So, here goes!  The kitchen pantry or cabinets.  Take a few minutes each day during the next few days to toss out food that has expired, open bags of chips that are stale, or open boxes of cereal that you will not eat.  If you have canned food or non-perishables that are still good, but you will not use them, please donate to your local food bank.  This will allow you more room to stock up on items that you will use when you catch them on sale.  While you are working on the pantry you may also want to work on the cabinet that stores all of the disposable bowls and containers.  Somehow, I end up with lots of bowls and no lids!!  If you can not match the bowls with a lid, toss it or find another use for it.  Plastic containers work perfect for drawer organizers.    Good luck with this and let me know what areas of the house you need to work on.  We will organize together!

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